We are happy when our customers are happy. However, we believe that doing a good job involves more than that: it means acting as a responsible business, conserving resources, and consuming in a sustainable way.

Renewable energy
The electricity used in our office comes from Good Energy, the only energy provider in the UK which gets its power solely from renewable energy sources.

Business with a clear conscience
In financial matters, we rely on GLS Bank, the world’s first social-ecological universal bank. It invests in social projects, organic farming, and renewable energy, and declines to invest in sectors such as the arms industry or the nuclear industry.

Paper-free office
We use as little paper as possible. If something does need to be printed, we use recycled paper. We ensure that paper waste is properly recycled.

Green connection
Our internet connection is provided by Green ISP, a not-for-profit internet services provider with exemplary environmental and ethical principles and whose business premises are solar powered.

Fair-trade buzz
Coffee and tea are essential commodities at work, but we only use products certified by Fairtrade and the Rainforest Alliance.

Setting a good example
For us, running a sustainable, ethically responsible business also means encouraging our freelance translators and editors to apply the same environmentally friendly principles to their work.

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