About Us

Textworks Translations is a network of over 200 international, PhD-qualified academics in the humanities and social sciences, who translate and edit your texts with a keen awareness of both the subject matter and the language. The members of our team have doctorates from universities that include Oxford, Cambridge, and University College London. Together, they have published thousands of articles in scholarly journals and hundreds of books.

Thanks to their specialized subject knowledge, high level of precision, and extensive experience in international academia, our translators have been trusted and reliable partners for many years.

„I know from personal experience how hard it is to entrust the translation of your text to a stranger. That’s why I founded Textworks Translations, with a tried and tested team of academic translators, in whom I have absolute faith.“
Anja Löbert

Management and project support

Management and project support

Anja Löbert

Anja Löbert completed a master’s degree in sociology, media studies and English language and literature at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany), and studied Popular Music Studies in Liverpool (UK).

She herself publishes in the field of cultural studies (e.g. with Routledge, Taylor & Francis, Cambridge University Press, Büchner Verlag), as well as contributing to several publications (including the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung and ZEIT Online) as a freelance journalist.

In 2006 she founded Textworks Translations to help German-speaking academics to raise their international profile with their work.


Chapters in edited volumes

„Vom Retter zum Forschungsobjekt“, In: Tannert, Christoph (Ed.). Passion – Fan-Verhalten und Kunst. Künstlerhaus Bethanien. Berlin. 2015.

„Trading Offstage Photos: Take That Fan Culture and the Collaborative Preservation of Popular Music Heritage“ (with Mark Duffett) In: Baker, Sarah (Ed.). Preserving Popular Music Heritage. Do-it-Yourself, Do-it-Together. Routledge. 2015.

„Brieffreundschaften, Tauschökonomien und Fan-Fotografie am Vorabend der digitalen Revolution: Take-That-Fans zwischen 1990 und 1996“, In: Cuntz-Leng, Vera (Ed.). Creative Crowds – Perspektiven der Fanforschung im deutsch-sprachigen Raum. Büchner Verlag. 2014.

Articles in scholarly journals

Penfriendships, Exchange Economies, and ‘FBs’: Take That Fans Networking before the Digital Revolution“, In: Popular Music and Society, Vol. 37, No. 5. 2014.

„Explorative, Authentic and Cohesive: Factors contributing to successful boy band reunions“, In: Popular Music History, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2012, p. 127-142.

„Fandom as a Religious Form: On the reception of pop music by Cliff Richard fans in Liverpool“, In: Popular Music, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2012, p. 125-141.

„Cliff Richard’s Self-Presentation as a Redeemer“, In: Popular Music, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2008. p. 77-97

„Fankultur als religiöse Form: Eine religionssoziologische Betrachtung der Rezeption von Popmusik am Beispiel der Liverpooler Cliff Richard Fans“, In: SPIEL – Siegener Periodicum zur Internationalen Empirischen Literaturwissenschaft.  No. 1. 2006.

Published translations

„Zur Theorie intellektuellen Wandels: Soziale Ursachen von Philosophien“ In: Collins, Randall. Konflikttheorie: Ausgewählte Schriften. Springer VS. Wiesbaden. 2012. Herausgegeben von Jörg Rössel.

„Webers Kapitalismustheorie: Eine Systematisierung“ In: Collins, Randall. Konflikttheorie: Ausgewählte Schriften. Springer VS. Wiesbaden. 2012. Herausgegeben von Jörg Rössel.

„Bildungsstratifikations aus funktionalistischer und konflikttheoretischer Perspektive“ In: Collins, Randall. Konflikttheorie: Ausgewählte Schriften. Springer VS. Wiesbaden. 2012. Herausgegeben von Jörg Rössel.

„Soziologie: Wissenschaftlich oder antiwissenschaftlich?“ In: Collins, Randall. Konflikttheorie: Ausgewählte Schriften. Springer VS. Wiesbaden. 2012. Herausgegeben von Jörg Rössel.

„Situative Schichtung: Eine Mikro-Makrotheorie der Ungleichheit“ In: Collins, Randall. Konflikttheorie: Ausgewählte Schriften. Springer VS. Wiesbaden. 2012. Herausgegeben von Jörg Rössel.

„I know from personal experience how hard it is to entrust the translation of your text to a stranger. That’s why I founded Textworks Translations, with a tried and tested team of academic translators, in whom I have absolute faith.“
Anja Löbert

Management and project support

Management and project support

Anja Löbert

Anja Löbert completed a master’s degree in sociology, media studies and English language and literature at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany), and studied Popular Music Studies in Liverpool (UK).

She herself publishes in the field of cultural studies (e.g. with Routledge, Taylor & Francis, Cambridge University Press, Büchner Verlag), as well as contributing to several publications (including the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung and ZEIT Online) as a freelance journalist.

In 2006 she founded Textworks Translations to help German-speaking academics to raise their international profile with their work.


Chapters in edited volumes

„Vom Retter zum Forschungsobjekt“, In: Tannert, Christoph (Ed.). Passion – Fan-Verhalten und Kunst. Künstlerhaus Bethanien. Berlin. 2015.

„Trading Offstage Photos: Take That Fan Culture and the Collaborative Preservation of Popular Music Heritage“ (with Mark Duffett) In: Baker, Sarah (Ed.). Preserving Popular Music Heritage. Do-it-Yourself, Do-it-Together. Routledge. 2015.

„Brieffreundschaften, Tauschökonomien und Fan-Fotografie am Vorabend der digitalen Revolution: Take-That-Fans zwischen 1990 und 1996“, In: Cuntz-Leng, Vera (Ed.). Creative Crowds – Perspektiven der Fanforschung im deutsch-sprachigen Raum. Büchner Verlag. 2014.

Articles in scholarly journals

Penfriendships, Exchange Economies, and ‘FBs’: Take That Fans Networking before the Digital Revolution“, In: Popular Music and Society, Vol. 37, No. 5. 2014.

„Explorative, Authentic and Cohesive: Factors contributing to successful boy band reunions“, In: Popular Music History, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2012, p. 127-142.

„Fandom as a Religious Form: On the reception of pop music by Cliff Richard fans in Liverpool“, In: Popular Music, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2012, p. 125-141.

„Cliff Richard’s Self-Presentation as a Redeemer“, In: Popular Music, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2008. p. 77-97

„Fankultur als religiöse Form: Eine religionssoziologische Betrachtung der Rezeption von Popmusik am Beispiel der Liverpooler Cliff Richard Fans“, In: SPIEL – Siegener Periodicum zur Internationalen Empirischen Literaturwissenschaft.  No. 1. 2006.

Published translations

„Zur Theorie intellektuellen Wandels: Soziale Ursachen von Philosophien“ In: Collins, Randall. Konflikttheorie: Ausgewählte Schriften. Springer VS. Wiesbaden. 2012. Herausgegeben von Jörg Rössel.

„Webers Kapitalismustheorie: Eine Systematisierung“ In: Collins, Randall. Konflikttheorie: Ausgewählte Schriften. Springer VS. Wiesbaden. 2012. Herausgegeben von Jörg Rössel.

„Bildungsstratifikations aus funktionalistischer und konflikttheoretischer Perspektive“ In: Collins, Randall. Konflikttheorie: Ausgewählte Schriften. Springer VS. Wiesbaden. 2012. Herausgegeben von Jörg Rössel.

„Soziologie: Wissenschaftlich oder antiwissenschaftlich?“ In: Collins, Randall. Konflikttheorie: Ausgewählte Schriften. Springer VS. Wiesbaden. 2012. Herausgegeben von Jörg Rössel.

„Situative Schichtung: Eine Mikro-Makrotheorie der Ungleichheit“ In: Collins, Randall. Konflikttheorie: Ausgewählte Schriften. Springer VS. Wiesbaden. 2012. Herausgegeben von Jörg Rössel.

Ausgewählte Schriften. Springer VS. Wiesbaden. 2012. Herausgegeben von Jörg Rössel.

"As writers ourselves, we value clear and accurate language. Our aim is to insure that the translation of your text is natural, idiomatic, and enjoyable to read."
Dr Timothy Wise

Quality management

Quality management

Dr Timothy Wise

Dr Timothy Wise is a native speaker of English. He obtained master’s degrees in English Literature, Teaching English as a Second Language, and Popular Music Studies, and completed his PhD in Music. Since 2003 he has worked as a Senior Lecturer in Musicology at the School of Arts & Media at the University of Salford (UK). Alongside his own research activities, he publishes edited volumes and reviews articles for various scholarly journals.

At Textworks Translations, Timothy Wise is responsible for assuring the quality standards of English-language texts. He sometimes also edits our clients’ manuscripts.



Wise, T 2016, Yodeling and Meaning in American Music, University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, Mississippi, USA. (forthcoming)

Articles in scholarly journals

Wise, T 2012, ‘How the Yodel Became a Joke: the Vicissitudes of a Musical Sign’, Popular Music, 31(3), p. 461-479.

Wise, T 2012, ‘From the Mountains to the Prairies and Beyond the Pale: American Yodeling on Early Recordings’, Journal of American Folklore, 125(497), p. 358-374.

Wise, T & Sanjek, D & Loebert, A & Duffett, M & Edwards, M & Gregory, G & Nolte, T & Hilbert, M 2012, ‘Making Things Whole Again: the Take That Reunion’, Popular Music History, 7(2), p. 117-120.

Wise, T 2010, ‘Jimmie Rodgers and the Semiosis of the Hillbilly Yodel’, The Musical Quarterly, 93(1), p. 6-44.

Wise, T 2008, ‘Lullabies, Laments, and Ragtime Cowboys: Yodeling at the Turn of the Twentieth Century’, American Music, 26.

Wise, T 2007, ‘Yodel Species: a typology of falsetto effects in popular music vocal styles’, Radical Musicology, 2.

Wise, T 2006, ‘”Musemes, Masculinity and Myth: Poular Music in American Football Broadcasting”‘, Paper given at the 2006 IASPM conference, Sep 1-3, Birmingham UK.

Encyclopaedia entries

Wise, T 2012, ‘Talking Blues’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol. 8 North American Genres, Continuum, London, p. 483-484.

Wise, T 2012, ‘Singer-songwriter’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol. 8 North American Genres, Continuum, London, p. 430-434.

Wise, T 2012, ‘Coon song’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol. 8 North American Genres, Continuum, London, p. 155-157.

Wise, T 2012, ‘Cowboy songs’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol. 8 North American Genres, Continuum, London, S. 175-178.

Wise, T 2012, ‘Singing Cowboy’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol. 8 North American Genres, Continuum, London, p. 434-435.

Wise, T 2012, ‘Tin Pan Alley’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol. 8 North American Genres, Continuum, London, p. 498-503.

Wise, T 2003, ‘Hawaiian Guitar’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World,, Vol II, Performance and Production, Continuum, London, p. 135-136.

Wise, T 2003, ‘Guitar Amplifier’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World,, Vol II, Performance and Production, Continuum, London, p. 238-239.

Wise, T 2003, ‘Strumming’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World,, Vol II, Performance and Production, Continuum, London, p. 170-171.

Wise, T 2003, ‘Register’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World,, Vol II, Performance and Production, Continuum, London, p. 591-592.

Wise, T 2003, ‘Arranger’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World,, Vol II, Performance and Production, Continuum, London, p. 182-183.

Wise, T 2003, ‘Arrangement’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World,, Vol II, Performance and Production, Continuum, London, p. 630-632.

Wise, T 2003, ‘Folksinger’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World,, Vol II, Performance and Production, Continuum, London, p. 100-101.

Wise, T 2003, ‘Bottleneck Guitar’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World,, Vol II, Performance and Production, Continuum, London, p. 119-120.

"As writers ourselves, we value clear and accurate language. Our aim is to insure that the translation of your text is natural, idiomatic, and enjoyable to read."
Dr. Timothy Wise

Quality management

Quality management

Dr Timothy Wise

Dr Timothy Wise is a native speaker of English. He obtained master’s degrees in English Literature, Teaching English as a Second Language, and Popular Music Studies, and completed his PhD in Music. Since 2003 he has worked as a Senior Lecturer in Musicology at the School of Arts & Media at the University of Salford (UK). Alongside his own research activities, he publishes edited volumes and reviews articles for various scholarly journals.

At Textworks Translations, Timothy Wise is responsible for assuring the quality standards of English-language texts. He sometimes also edits our clients’ manuscripts.



Wise, T 2016, Yodeling and Meaning in American Music, University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, Mississippi, USA.

Articles in scholarly journals

Wise, T 2012, ‘How the Yodel Became a Joke: the Vicissitudes of a Musical Sign’, Popular Music, 31(3), p. 461-479.

Wise, T 2012, ‘From the Mountains to the Prairies and Beyond the Pale: American Yodeling on Early Recordings’, Journal of American Folklore, 125(497), p. 358-374.

Wise, T & Sanjek, D & Loebert, A & Duffett, M & Edwards, M & Gregory, G & Nolte, T & Hilbert, M 2012, ‘Making Things Whole Again: the Take That Reunion’, Popular Music History, 7(2), p. 117-120.

Wise, T 2010, ‘Jimmie Rodgers and the Semiosis of the Hillbilly Yodel’, The Musical Quarterly, 93(1), p. 6-44.

Wise, T 2008, ‘Lullabies, Laments, and Ragtime Cowboys: Yodeling at the Turn of the Twentieth Century’, American Music, 26.

Wise, T 2007, ‘Yodel Species: a typology of falsetto effects in popular music vocal styles’, Radical Musicology, 2.

Wise, T 2006, ‘”Musemes, Masculinity and Myth: Poular Music in American Football Broadcasting”‘, Paper given at the 2006 IASPM conference, Sep 1-3, Birmingham UK.

Encyclopaedia entries

Wise, T 2012, ‘Talking Blues’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol. 8 North American Genres, Continuum, London, p. 483-484.

Wise, T 2012, ‘Singer-songwriter’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol. 8 North American Genres, Continuum, London, p. 430-434.

Wise, T 2012, ‘Coon song’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol. 8 North American Genres, Continuum, London, p. 155-157.

Wise, T 2012, ‘Cowboy songs’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol. 8 North American Genres, Continuum, London, S. 175-178.

Wise, T 2012, ‘Singing Cowboy’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol. 8 North American Genres, Continuum, London, p. 434-435.

Wise, T 2012, ‘Tin Pan Alley’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol. 8 North American Genres, Continuum, London, p. 498-503.

Wise, T 2003, ‘Hawaiian Guitar’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol II, Performance and Production, Continuum, London, p. 135-136.

Wise, T 2003, ‘Guitar Amplifier’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol II, Performance and Production, Continuum, London, p. 238-239.

Wise, T 2003, ‘Strumming’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol II, Performance and Production, Continuum, London, p. 170-171.

Wise, T 2003, ‘Register’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol II, Performance and Production, Continuum, London, p. 591-592.

Wise, T 2003, ‘Arranger’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol II, Performance and Production, Continuum, London, p. 182-183.

Wise, T 2003, ‘Arrangement’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol II, Performance and Production, Continuum, London, p. 630-632.

Wise, T 2003, ‘Folksinger’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol II, Performance and Production, Continuum, London, p. 100-101.

Wise, T 2003, ‘Bottleneck Guitar’, in: Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Vol II, Performance and Production, Continuum, London, p. 119-120.

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